The Man


The Man

Yo Adrian! 🙂

Too many times, women complain about being bracketed. The whole ”I am a mother. I am a housewife. I am a CEO. But at the end I am a woman” Is this some marketing ad tagline? I don’t remember but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was.

And newsflash women, men get bracketed too. You know, the whole ”father. husband. cowboy ” etc. deal?

But since I am a woman, and since I had a bit of time on my hands, I’ll talk about the men I like.

After discussions with my friend who is also going to start writing this blog (whose posts on this will be put up shortly) we discovered our ideal man was Rocky Balboa. Which is kinda cool, because who wouldn’t want to be with a boxer with a heart of gold?

His determination and his spirit. His kindness and his dignity.   Wow!  (If you haven’t seen Rocky, you should. Now)

Yet, however, and in recent interactions, I’ve come across a sort of male I will label as this – the Wussy Man.

I googled the Wussy Man and found some funny dating-advice sites and I laughed for an hour.  The wussy man according to them is a ”nice guy” who sucks up to women.  Pffffft. No. What?!

(I thought I’d share a few links but then decided against it because they’re all wrong, according to the semifeminist. If you need ”real” advice that could ”powerfully” change your life, keep watching this :p)

You really want to know how to spot a wussy man?

Then here are a few characteristics of the Wussy Man. Keep your eyes peeled and if there are more, you can tell me!

  1. Lack of Honesty –  He doesn’t say as he does, and doesn’t say what he does. A bunch of white lies and more.
  2. He puts down others to make himself feel better – Need I say more?
  3. Lack of Courage-  This one is obvious! He’ll run away from a fight and from being challenged. He won’t stand up to others for what he believes. He hides in a little shell
  4. Two-Faced – He behaves differently with the same person in a different environment. In either case, he’s not respecting the person.
  5. Jealous- He gets jealous of everything. Poor self esteem is at the root of it

Note that a gentle, quiet and sensitive person is not to be confused with being weak or wimpy. In fact I cherish those qualities in people, because as you get to know them, you’ll be amazed at the wonderful snippets of wisdom you glean from them.

However unfortunately, you might have to wade through a bunch of wusses to find that Rocky Balboa.

Much love and peace! 🙂