Why I wanted to write a blog

I spent a lot of time thinking about whether I wanted to start a blog. Like just about everyone else on the internet.
Like everyone else, thoughts and ideas come like light bulbs that switch on and off. (And like everyone else, I seek to capture that light)
But I wanted to write specifically because I love God. And I am a woman. And by the definition of this word ‘’feminist’’, I consider myself one.
So what is feminism?
I rely on Wikipedia for its definitions, which I think is brilliant. One of the best examples of the open and free information movement whose impact is so significant and so deep, I look forward to a wiki article solely on that!
Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. (The Wikipedia definition)
So that’s about it. I consider men and women equal.
This is unlike the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, drawn up by the French, who shockingly and calmly in their usual manner, failed to address the other half of humanity and conveniently left out some of the most important details.
Oh and one more thing about myself – I just can’t stand pretentiousness. Pretentious philosophies and ideas, they just boil my blood.
So writing a blog is a good forum to vent that out!
But more than my identity of a woman, more than my belief of equal rights, is my identity in Christ.
I can’t escape it.
I’ve tried to push it to the sidelines of my life, tried to act like everything was normal but it wasn’t. I’ve tried to pretend it was just one aspect of my life. That everything was compartmentalized, and being a Christian was just one of those things.
But it’s not.
Christ changed me. Searching and seeking God has been the most amazing mission of my life.
The lessons I’ve learnt, the friends I’ve made, the knowledge I’ve gained. Nothing compares to it
Life isn’t just following the Bible, being good and blah-blah.
It’s so much more. In Christ.
To follow him has been so tough. I die daily.
In the face of a world that increasingly thrives on a ‘’self-first’’ selfish philosophy and its own ideals that keep changing every season, it’s hard to stand up and be a Christian. It never was easy.
People always ask me about my faith, my beliefs and why I hold on to them.
I am always glad to share that. And writing a blog enables me to crystallize all that in a clear written format.
Once you’re in the light, you don’t want to go back to darkness. That sort of darkness is oppressive.
I know because I experienced that.
Oh how I fell!
And how God picked me up and like he always does, glued the pieces of me back together.
This is one of the best lessons I’ve learnt in life –
It’s better to take refuge in the Lord, than to trust men. (Psalm 118:8; interestingly the centre verse of the Bible)
So I can’t leave God ever. I love God.
And the other day someone asked me, if being a Christian feminist was an oxymoron.
Well, the Bible clearly says that , There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galations 3:28)
There is freedom in Christ. Freedom from the changing nuances of the world.
So it isn’t an oxymoron according to me. There are different gender roles in a family and a church and I would like to write about that.
But as a dear Christian friend suggested, I could call myself a semi feminist. He makes me laugh way too often!
I found it funny.
But as I told him, when you sum up all the parts in the end, it doesn’t matter. It may even become more than the whole. (Forgive the musing)
We as women have come a long way from being in Victorian corsets, to funeral pyres practicing sati, and now to voting and being CEOs of major MNCs.
It’s going to be real fun writing about modern day feminism and my take as a Christian on some of that ideology and pop culture.
It’s going to be even more fun talking about the men.
As a Christian too, a lot of stuff about the Bible and other cool things which I’ve discovered but hardly got to share would be put up soon.
Much Love and God bless you.